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Glo-Tip Needle Tracking

Glo-Tip has developed an advanced needle visualization and tracking technology for use during invasive ultrasound procedures.   


Due to its safety and convenience, ultrasound has become a favorite modality for invasive medical procedures.  Central line placement and a variety of interventional ultrasound procedures like cyst drainage, biopsy, etc. are ideal for ultrasound guidance.  Standard ultrasound displays target organs well, but does not visualize or track the needle.  With Glo-Tip, both needle and tip are clearly seen and tracked real-time during the procedure, improving safety, efficiency and providing well-targeted results.  This technology is unique to the marketplace and takes ultrasound guidance to the next level.


Future Projects

Glo-Tip has additional projects in the pipeline.  Several are focused on the advancement of ultrasound technology within the field of invasive medicine.

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